An idea formed from conversations between 2 curious conversationalists.

An idea formed from conversations between 2 curious conversationalists.

Black 2 Infinity is a multimedia brand and community platform that serves to highlight, support, and celebrate the boundlessness of Black expression and proliferation of Black thought.

Black 2 Infinity is a multimedia brand and community platform that serves to highlight, support, and celebrate the boundlessness of Black expression and proliferation of Black thought.

When co-founders Sunday and Aaliyah first met, they quickly realized they had a shared passion for film, journalism, media, culture, and art, but especially Black music. They would spend hours talking about its rich history, the breadth of talent across eras, the ingenuity and creativity, and the distinct Black emotions and feelings imbued into the art. However, they also recognized the disparities that existed in music when it came to Black artists.

Throughout the span of history, Black artists have been discounted and delegitimized as creators. They are expected to adhere to a caricature of how Black people should look and behave. And even more, they are expected to adhere to a limited scope of what they should create. However in the face of this, Black artists continue to iterate building on past expressions of the Black experience by adding their own in order to create new ones. In that recognition of reality, was born Black 2 Infinity.

If Black is the origin (_), then there are infinite expressions of blackness. At Black 2 Infinity, we will continue to push the boundaries of black expression in music while recognizing the themes and shared experiences that bind these iterations together.

Through our radio show, editorial content, and social media, we prioritize Black music education and history: giving flowers to the originators that invented the genres and sounds that are intrinsic to the landscape of music today, providing in-depth analysis of music and engaging with the social context of a record, and shedding light on present-day artists pushing the boundaries of Black music. Around these values, we are building a community between like-minded individuals who share a passion for Black art through events, including Enterlude Listening Club.

When co-founders Sunday and Aaliyah first met, they quickly realized they had a shared passion for film, journalism, media, culture, and art, but especially Black music. They would spend hours talking about its rich history, the breadth of talent across eras, the ingenuity and creativity, and the distinct Black emotions and feelings imbued into the art. However, they also recognized the disparities that existed in music when it came to Black artists.

Throughout the span of history, Black artists have been discounted and delegitimized as creators. They are expected to adhere to a caricature of how black people should look and behave. And even more, they are expected to adhere to a limited scope of what they should create. However in the face of this, Black artists continue to iterate building on past expressions of the Black experience by adding their own in order to create new ones. In that recognition of reality, was borne Black 2 Infinity.

If Black is the origin (_), then there are infinite expressions of blackness. At Black 2 Infinity, we continue to push the boundaries of black expression in music while recognizing the themes and shared experiences that bind these iterations together.

Through our radio show, editorial content, and social media, we prioritize Black music education and history: giving flowers to the originators that invented the genres and sounds that are intrinsic to the landscape of music today, providing in-depth analysis of music and engaging with the social context of a record, and shedding light on present-day artists pushing the boundaries of Black music. Around these values, we are building a community between like-minded individuals who share a passion for Black art through events, including Enterlude Listening Club.

Meet the Creative Team

  • Co-Founder

    Aaliyah is a southern bred, NY based creative with a background in journalism, film, and media. The connective thread in her broad range of interests is a passion for Black culture, storytelling and helping to shift the dominant narratives in media to ones more rooted in justice and equity.

  • Co-founder

    Originally from the DMV area, Sunday is a Los Angeles based artist and creative with a deep love for Black music, history, art, and the cross-pollination of cultural influences across the Black Diaspora.

Photography by Mary Osulana

Meet the Creative Team

  • Co-Founder

    Aaliyah is a southern bred, NY based creative with a background in journalism, film, and media. The connective thread in her broad range of interests is a passion for Black culture, storytelling and helping to shift the dominant narratives in media to ones more rooted in justice and equity.

  • Co-Founder

    Originally from the DMV-area, Sunday is a Los Angeles-based artist and creative with a deep love for Black music, history, art, and the cross-pollination of cultural influences across the Black Diaspora.